Urban Herding | New Group Class | Park View
Urban herding is a fun sport that merges dog’s love of balls, with their herding and chasing instincts. It culminates in a sport where your dog uses its nose to push and herd yoga balls into a goal, just like herding dogs move livestock into a pen. Unleash your dog’s brainpower and instincts and grow your communication skills through herding!
In this class, you and your dog will get to learn the necessary commands to be able to direct them to different locations of the herd, work at a distance away from you, push with their nose, and how to control the ball in a way they can push it towards you.
This class is a 5-week course of 45-minute sessions. Perfect for exercising your dog’s body and brain without overdoing it. This is a low-impact sport that doesn’t require the owner running, and is easy on the dog’s joints to be safe for dogs young and old. The basics puppy or adult class, or equivalent, is a prerequisite for this course.